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SYSTAT(1) General Commands Manual SYSTAT(1)

systatdisplay system statistics

systat [-aBbhiNn] [-d count] [-s delay] [-w width] [view] [delay]

systat displays various system statistics in a screen-oriented fashion using the curses(3) screen display library.

While systat is running, the screen is divided into different areas. The top line displays the current number of users, the three system load average figures over the last 1, 5, and 15 minute intervals, the host name, and the system time. The bottom line of the screen is reserved for user input and error messages. The information displayed in the rest of the screen comprises a , and is the main interface for displaying different types of system statistics. The vmstat view is the default.

Certain information may be discarded when the screen size is insufficient for display. For example, on a machine with 10 drives the iostat bar graph displays only 3 drives on a 24 line terminal.

The options are as follows:

Display all lines.
Raw, non-interactive mode. The default is to exit after two screen updates, with statistics only ever displayed once. Useful for views such as cpu, where initial calculations are useless.
Raw, non-interactive mode. The default is to exit after one screen update, with statistics displayed every update.
Exit after count screen updates.
Human readable mode, where applicable.
Interactive mode.
Resolve network addresses to names. This is the opposite of the -n option.
Do not try to reverse map IP addresses. This is the default.
Specifies the screen refresh time interval in seconds. This option is overridden by the final delay argument, if given. The default interval is 5 seconds.
Specifies the maximum width of the output in raw, non-interactive mode.
The view argument expects to be one of: vmstat, pigs, ifstat, iostat, sensors, mbufs, netstat, swap, states, rules, queues, pf, pool, pcache, malloc, buckets, nfsclient, nfsserver, cpu, or uvm. These displays can also be requested interactively and are described in full detail below. view may be abbreviated to the minimum unambiguous prefix; for example, “io” for “iostat”.
The delay argument specifies the screen refresh time interval in seconds. This is provided for backwards compatibility, and overrides any interval specified with the -s flag. The default interval is 5 seconds.

Certain characters cause immediate action by systat. These are:

Move the cursor to the command line and interpret the input line typed as a command. While entering a command the current character erase, word erase, and line kill characters may be used.
Toggle printing the names of the available views on the command line.
Select the next ordering which sorts the rows according to a combination of columns. Available orderings depend on the view. Not all views support orderings.
Pause systat.
Quit systat.
Reverse the selected ordering if supported by the view.
Change the screen refresh interval in seconds.
Print numbers with thousand separators, where applicable.
| ⟨Home
Jump to the beginning of the current view.
| ⟨right arrow
Select the previous view.
| ⟨End
Jump to the end of the current view.
| ⟨left arrow
Select the next view.
Toggle printing the name of the current view being shown and the refresh interval.
Refresh the screen.
| ⟨down arrow
Scroll current view down by one line.
| ⟨up arrow
Scroll current view up by one line.
| ⟨Page Down
Scroll current view down by one page.
| ⟨Page Up
Scroll current view up by one page.

The following commands are interpreted by the “global” command interpreter.

Toggle printing the names of the available views on the command line.
Toggle human readable mode, where applicable.
Toggle printing the names of the available orderings on the command line.
Quit systat. (This may be abbreviated to q.)
Stop refreshing the screen.
[start] [number]
Start (continue) refreshing the screen. If a second, numeric, argument is provided it is interpreted as a refresh interval (in seconds). Supplying only a number will set the refresh interval to this value.

view may be abbreviated to the minimum unambiguous prefix. The available views are:

Display kernel malloc(9) bucket statistics similar to the output of vmstat -m.
Display information about the average usage of each CPU, similar to the output provided by top(1).
Display interface statistics. The “State” column has the format up|[:U|D]. ‘up’ and ‘dn’ represent whether the interface is up or down. ‘U’ and ‘D’ represent whether the interface is connected or not; in the case of carp(4) interfaces, whether the interface is in master or backup state, respectively.

The character B changes the counter view between bytes and bits. Pressing b displays statistics as calculated from boot time. r changes the counters to show their totals as calculated between display refreshes. t changes the counters to show the average per second over the display refresh interval; this is the default. d displays input and output queue drops. e displays input and output errors. f displays input and output queue drops plus errors. This is the default view.

Display statistics about disk throughput. Statistics on disk throughput show, for each drive, data transferred in bytes, number of disk transactions performed, and time spent in disk accesses (in fractions of a second). Pressing b displays statistics as calculated from boot time. t changes the counters to show the average per second over the display refresh interval; this is the default.
Display kernel malloc(9) type statistics similar to the output of vmstat -m. Available orderings are: name, inuse, memuse, and requests.
Display mbuf usage information from kernel pools and mbuf cluster pool statistics of each network interface.
Display network connections. Each address is displayed numerically in the format “host:port”. By default, network servers awaiting requests are not displayed. It is also possible to have addresses displayed symbolically, when possible, and limit the display to a set of protocols (the minimum unambiguous prefix may be supplied):
Toggle the displaying of server processes awaiting requests (this is the equivalent of the -a flag to netstat(1)).
Display network addresses symbolically.
Display network addresses numerically.
Reset matching mechanisms to the default.
| |
Display only network connections using the indicated protocol.
Display statistics about NFS client activity. Output resembles nfsstat -c.
Display statistics about NFS server activity. Output resembles nfsstat -s.
Display filter information about pf(4), similar to the output of pfctl -s info option.
Display those processes resident in main memory and getting the largest portion of the processor. When less than 100% of the processor is scheduled to user processes, the remaining time is accounted to the “idle” process.
Display kernel pool(9) statistics similar to the output of vmstat -m. Available orderings are: name, requests, size, and number of pages.

By default only the statistics of active pools are displayed but pressing A changes the view to show all of them.

Display kernel pool(9) per CPU cache statistics. Ordering is available on all columns.
Display statistics about the active queues, similar to the output of pfctl -s queue.
Display pf rules statistics, similar to the output of pfctl -s rules.
Display the current values of available hardware sensors, in a format similar to that of sysctl(8).
Display pf states statistics, similar to the output of pfctl -s states. Available orderings are: none, bytes, expiry, packets, age, source address, source port, destination address, destination port, rate, and peak columns.
Show information about swap space usage on all the swap areas compiled into the kernel. The first column is the device name of the partition. The next column is the total space available in the partition. The Used column indicates the total blocks used so far; the graph shows the percentage of space in use on each partition. If there is more than one swap partition in use, a total line is also shown. Areas known to the kernel but not in use are shown as not available.
Take over the entire display and show a (rather crowded) compendium of statistics related to virtual memory usage, process scheduling, device interrupts, system name translation caching, disk I/O, etc. This view is the default.

Below the top line are statistics on memory utilization. The first row of the table reports memory usage only among active processes, that is, processes that have run in the previous twenty seconds. The second row reports on memory usage of all processes. The first column reports on the amount of physical memory claimed by processes. The second column reports the same figure for virtual memory, that is, the amount of memory that would be needed if all processes were resident at the same time. Finally, the last column shows the amount of physical memory on the free list.

Below the memory display is a list of the average number of processes (over the last refresh interval) that are runnable (‘r’), in disk wait other than paging (‘d’), sleeping (‘s’), and swapped out but desiring to run (‘w’). Below the queue length listing is a numerical listing and a bar graph showing the amount of interrupt (shown as ‘|’), spinning (shown as ‘@’), system (shown as ‘=’), user plus nice (shown as ‘>’), and idle time (shown as ‘ ’).

To the right of the Proc display are statistics about Context switches (“Csw”), Traps (“Trp”), Syscalls (“Sys”), Interrupts (“Int”), Soft interrupts (“Sof”), and Faults (“Flt”) which have occurred during the last refresh interval.

Below the CPU usage graph are statistics on name translations. It lists the number of names translated in the previous interval, the number and percentage of the translations that were handled by the system wide name translation cache, and the number and percentage of the translations that were handled by the per process name translation cache.

At the bottom left is the disk usage display. It reports the number of seeks, transfers, number of kilobyte blocks transferred per second averaged over the refresh period of the display, and the time spent in disk accesses.

Under the date in the upper right hand quadrant are statistics on paging and swapping activity. The first two columns report the average number of pages brought in and out per second over the last refresh interval due to page faults and the paging daemon. The third and fourth columns report the average number of pages brought in and out per second over the last refresh interval due to swap requests initiated by the scheduler. The first row of the display shows the average number of disk transfers per second over the last refresh interval. The second row of the display shows the average number of pages transferred per second over the last refresh interval.

Running down the right hand side of the display is a breakdown of the interrupts being handled by the system. At the top of the list is the total interrupts per second over the time interval. The rest of the column breaks down the total on a device by device basis. Only devices that have interrupted at least once since boot time are shown.

Below the Interrupts display are the average number of input and output packets per second for all interfaces over the last refresh interval.

Below the SWAPPING display and slightly to the left of the Interrupts display is a list of virtual memory statistics. The abbreviations are:

process forks
forks where parent waits
forks where vmspace is shared
fault had to wait on a page
fault relock called
fault relock is successful
faults out of ram
number of times fault clears "need copy"
number of times fault promotes with copy
fault promotes with zerofill
number of times fault anon cow
min number of free pages
target number of free pages
target number of inactive pages
wired pages
pages daemon freed since boot
pages daemon scanned since boot
number of zeroed pages
number of kernel map entries
Display statistics relevant to the UVM subsystem. The statistics are divided into eight groups.

Page Counters:
pages managed by UVM
free pages
active pages
freed pages that may be wanted back
pages in the process of being paged out
wired pages
zero'd pages
pages reserved for pagedaemon
pages reserved for kernel.

Stats Counters:
page fault count
trap count
interrupt count
context switch count
software interrupt count
system calls
pagein operation count
pages swapped in
pages swapped out
forks where parent waits
forks where vmspace is shared
pagealloc found requested zero'd pages
pagealloc failed to obtain zero'd pages

Fault Counters:
fault was out of ram
fault was out of anons
fault was out of amap chunks
fault had to wait on a page
fault found a released page
fault relock called
fault relock was a success
fault got anon page
fault retried an anon get
fault cleared "needs copy"
fault mapped a neighbor anon page
fault mapped a neighbor obj page
fault did a locked pgo_get
fault did an unlocked get
fault anon (case 1a)
fault anon cow (case 1b)
fault was on object page (2a)
fault promotes with copy (2b)
fault promotes with zerofill (2b)

Pageout Params:
minimum number of free pages
target number of free pages
target number of inactive pages
maximum number of wired pages
minimum threshold for anon pages
minimum threshold for vtext pages
minimum threshold for vnode pages
minimum percent anon pages
minimum percent vtext pages
minimum percent vnode pages

Swap Counters:
configured swap devices
PAGE_SIZE'ed swap pages
swap pages in use
in use swap pages not in RAM
swap pages moved from disk to RAM
total anon's

Daemon Counters:
times daemon woke up
times daemon rev'd clock hand
times daemon called for swapout
pages daemon freed since boot
pages daemon scanned since boot
anonymous pages scanned by daemon
object pages scanned by daemon
pages daemon reactivated since boot
times daemon found a busy page
times daemon started a pageout
times daemon got a pending pagout
pages daemon deactivates

Misc Counters:
FPU context switches
kernel map entries

size of a page, always a power of 2
page mask
page shift

Host names.
pf(4) configuration.
Port names.

fstat(1), kill(1), netstat(1), nfsstat(1), ps(1), top(1), iostat(8), pfctl(8), pstat(8), renice(8), sysctl(8), vmstat(8)

The systat program first appeared in 4.3BSD.

Certain displays presume a minimum of 80 characters per line. The vmstat display looks out of place because it is (it was added in as a separate display rather than created as a new program).

September 25, 2024 OpenBSD-current