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python-modulelang/python port module

This manual page documents the behavior of setting MODULES=lang/python in the ports(7) tree.

By default, the module sets MODPY_VERSION to the appropriate python version (depending on the existence/presence of a ‘python3’ FLAVOR), but MODPY_VERSION may be set manually to ${MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_2} for legacy ports.


The module also appends to

It also appends MODPY_TEST_LOCALE to TEST_ENV and changes to the directory specified in MODPY_TEST_DIR (by default ${WRKSRC}) before running tests.

Most modern Python software can be packaged using a PEP 517 build frontend (in the devel/py-build port). To use this, set MODPY_PYBUILD to the name of the build backend. If the port provides a pyproject.toml file, check the "build-backend" line in the [build-system] section. python-module currently supports flit, flit_core, hatchling, hatch-vcs, jupyter_packaging, maturin, pdm, poetry-core, setuptools and setuptools_scm. If no pyproject.toml is provided then it probably uses setuptools. Setting MODPY_PYBUILD adds the backend to MODPY_BUILD_DEPENDS, and sets MODPY_PYTEST. In cases where a less common backend is used, or where the build backend is distributed with the software itself, MODPY_PYBUILD can be set to ‘other’ to use the PEP 517 mechanism without adding a dependency for a backend.

Older ports using setuptools still set MODPY_SETUPTOOLS to Yes, which appends to MODPY_BUILD_DEPENDS and calls the relevant commands to build (these ports are built using the deprecated mechanism of calling directly). Arguments can be passed to during configure with MODPY_SETUP_ARGS. Extra arguments to the build and install commands can be passed via MODPY_DISTUTILS_BUILDARGS and MODPY_DISTUTILS_INSTALLARGS. These ports can often be converted to MODPY_PYBUILD with some small changes to the port.

Ports which use the pytest module should set MODPY_PYTEST to Yes. This is set automatically for builds using MODPY_PYBUILD. Arguments can be passed to pytest during test with MODPY_PYTEST_ARGS, for example to list names of test scripts if the automatic detection fails, to disable certain test scripts with ‘--ignore’, or to disable certain individual tests with ‘-k’. User setting MODPY_PYTEST_USERARGS, if present, is passed on the command line. This allows setting py.test flags to increase verbosity, show test durations, enable colours, etc.

All ports that generate egg-info or dist-info files should set MODPY_EGG_VERSION to the version string used by the () function in the port's or the version in pyproject.toml.

If any files have a python shebang line where the interpreter should be ${MODPY_BIN}, list them in MODPY_ADJ_FILES. These filenames can be relative to ${WRKSRC} and will be modified at the end of pre-configure.

For ports not using standard Python build infrastructure, it may be necessary to bytecode-compile installed .py files. This can be done by using ${MODPY_COMPILEALL}, usually in a post-install target. This passes flags to use MAKE_JOBS, strip off WRKINST, and use standard optimization passes. File or directory names can be given. Directories are handled recursively.

This module also affects CATEGORIES, MAKE_ENV, CONFIGURE_ENV, and SUBST_VARS, and it may affect the test target.

If MODPY_PI is set to ‘Yes’, the module will provide a default for HOMEPAGE and set MASTER_SITES (the subdirectory can be overridden with MODPY_PI_DIR).

Python 2.x places .pyc files in the same directory as the associated .py file. Python 3.x places these in a separate __pycache__ directory and uses an additional suffix. In some cases, an ABI tag is also used for names of compiled extensions. The python module defines variables to allow a single PLIST to be used for both versions: generate or update the PLIST using the python3 FLAVOR, then edit it to prefix any lines creating MODPY_PYCACHE directories with MODPY_COMMENT. As python2 and python3 packages should permit being installed together, it may be necessary to suffix names of common binaries or directories, or split common files into a subpackage. If updating the PLIST without using the python3 flavor, take care not to remove ${MODPY_PYCACHE}, ${MODPY_PYC_MAGIC_TAG}, or ${MODPY_ABI_TAG} variables from the PLIST.


July 25, 2024 OpenBSD-current