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ASN1_BIT_STRING_SET(3) Library Functions Manual ASN1_BIT_STRING_SET(3)


#include <openssl/asn1.h>

ASN1_BIT_STRING_set(ASN1_BIT_STRING *bitstr, unsigned char *data, int len);

ASN1_BIT_STRING_set_bit(ASN1_BIT_STRING *bitstr, int bitnumber, int set);

ASN1_BIT_STRING_get_bit(ASN1_BIT_STRING *bitstr, int bitnumber);

ASN1_BIT_STRING_check(ASN1_BIT_STRING *bitstr, const unsigned char *goodbits, int goodbits_len);

() sets the length attribute of bitstr to len and copies that number of bytes from data into bitstr, overwriting any previous data, by merely calling ASN1_STRING_set(3). This function does no validation whatsoever. In particular, it neither checks that bitstr is actually of the type V_ASN1_BIT_STRING nor, even if it is, that the data and len arguments make sense for this particular bit string.

If the set argument is non-zero, () sets the bit with the given bitnumber in the bitstr; otherwise, it clears that bit. A bitnumber of 0 addresses the most significant bit in the first data byte of bitstr, 7 the least significant bit in the same byte, 8 the most significant bit in the second data byte, and so on.

If setting a bit is requested beyond the last existing data byte, additional bytes are added to the bitstr as needed. After clearing a bit, any trailing NUL bytes are removed from the bitstr.

() checks that the bit with the given bitnumber is set in bitstr.

() checks that all bits set in bitstr are also set in goodbits. Expressed symbolically, it evaluates:

(bitstr & ~goodbits) == 0

The buffer goodbits is expected to contain goodbits_len bytes.

ASN1_BIT_STRING_set() returns 1 on success or 0 if memory allocation fails or if data is NULL and len is -1 in the same call.

ASN1_BIT_STRING_set_bit() returns 1 on success or 0 if bitstr is NULL or if memory allocation fails.

ASN1_BIT_STRING_get_bit() returns 1 if the bit with the given bitnumber is set in the bitstr or 0 if bitstr is NULL, if bitnumber points beyond the last data byte in bitstr, or if the requested bit is not set.

ASN1_BIT_STRING_check() returns 0 if at least one bit is set in bitstr that is not set in goodbits, or 1 otherwise. In particular, it returns 1 if bitstr is NULL or if no bit is set in bitstr.

ASN1_BIT_STRING_new(3), ASN1_BIT_STRING_num_asc(3), ASN1_STRING_set(3), d2i_ASN1_BIT_STRING(3)

ASN1_BIT_STRING_set() first appeared in SSLeay 0.6.5. ASN1_BIT_STRING_set_bit() and ASN1_BIT_STRING_get_bit() first appeared in SSLeay 0.9.0. These functions have been available since OpenBSD 2.4.

ASN1_BIT_STRING_check() first appeared in OpenSSL 1.0.0 and has have been available since OpenBSD 4.9.

November 19, 2021 OpenBSD-7.3