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YYFIX(1) General Commands Manual YYFIX(1)

yyfixextract tables from

yyfix file [tables]

Programs have historically used a script (often named :yyfix) to extract tables from the yacc(1) generated file As the names of the tables generated by the current version of yacc are different from those of historical versions of yacc, the shell script yyfix is provided to simplify the transition.

The first (and required) argument to yyfix is the name of the file where the extracted tables should be stored.

If further command line arguments are specified, they are taken as the list of tables to be extracted. Otherwise, yyfix attempts to determine if the file is from an old or new yacc(1), and extracts the appropriate tables.

The tables “yyexca”, “yyact”, “yypact”, “yypgo”, “yyr1”, “yyr2”, “yychk”, and “yydef” are extracted from historical versions of yacc(1).

The tables “yylhs”, “yylen”, “yydefred”, “yydgoto”, “yysindex”, “yyrindex”, “yygindex”, “yytable”, “yyname”, “yyrule”, and “yycheck”, are extracted from the current version of yacc(1).
File from which tables are extracted.


The yyfix command first appeared in 4.4BSD.

November 15, 2014 OpenBSD-5.7