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MBUF_TAGS(9) Kernel Developer's Manual MBUF_TAGS(9)

mbuf_tagsa framework for generic packet attributes

#include <sys/mbuf.h>

struct m_tag *
m_tag_get(int type, int len, int flags);

struct m_tag *
m_tag_find(struct mbuf *mbuf, int type, struct m_tag *tag);

m_tag_prepend(struct mbuf *mbuf, struct m_tag *tag);

m_tag_delete(struct mbuf *mbuf, struct m_tag *tag);

struct m_tag *
m_tag_copy(struct m_tag *tag);

m_tag_delete_chain(struct mbuf *mbuf);

m_tag_init(struct mbuf *mbuf);

m_tag_copy_chain(struct mbuf *mbuf, struct mbuf *mbuf2);

struct m_tag *
m_tag_first(struct mbuf *mbuf);

struct m_tag *
m_tag_next(struct mbuf *mbuf, struct m_tag *tag);

These functions allow the manipulation of generic packet attributes. They are used by the kernel to keep track of operations done or scheduled to happen to packets. These attributes are attached to mbuf packet headers.

Mbuf tags get allocated using malloc(9), thus, due to the performance impact, mbuf tags should be used with care.

() allocates a new tag of type type with len bytes of space following the tag header itself. The flag argument is passed directly to malloc(9). If successful, m_tag_get() returns a memory buffer of (len + sizeof (struct m_tag)) bytes. The first sizeof(struct m_tag) bytes contain a struct m_tag:

struct m_tag {
	SLIST_ENTRY(m_tag)	m_tag_link;	/* List of packet tags */
	u_int16_t		m_tag_id;	/* Tag ID */
	u_int16_t		m_tag_len;	/* Length of data */

The m_tag_link field is used to link tags together (see queue(3) for more details). The m_tag_id and m_tag_len fields are set to type and len respectively. Following this structure are len bytes of space that can be used to store tag-specific information.

The currently defined tag types are:

This should never be used.
Used by ipsec(4) to indicate successful processing performed on an input packet. The tag contains a struct tdb_ident, as defined in sys/netinet/ip_ipsp.h, identifying the security association under which the packet arrived.
Used by IPsec to indicate that an output packet has been IPsec-processed. The tag contains a struct tdb_ident identifying the security association applied to the packet. This tag is primarily used to detect and avoid loops in IPsec processing on output.
Used by network cards that implement on-board IPsec processing to indicate that the crypto processing of an IPsec packet has been done. The tag contains a struct tdb_ident identifying the security association under which the packet arrived.
Used by the IPsec stack to signal to network cards that implement on-board IPsec processing that such processing is needed. The tag contains a struct tdb_ident identifying the security association that should be applied. The packet is already formatted for the appropriate security protocol.
Used by network cards that implement on-board IPsec processing to indicate to the IPsec stack that cryptographic processing could be deferred to hardware. The tag contains a struct tdb_ident identifying the security association that could be offloaded to the network card.
Used by the IPsec stack to keep track of IPsec processing that should happen to the packet on output. The tag contains a struct tdb_ident identifying the security association that should be applied at the next loop of IPsec processing.
Used by the bridge(4) code to detect loops in bridge processing. The tag contains a pointer to the bridge interface that already forwarded the frame.
Used by the gif(4) interface to detect loops in processing. The tag contains a pointer to the gif interface that already processed the packet.
Used by the gre(4) interface to detect loops in processing. The tag contains a pointer to the gre interface that already processed the packet.
Used by network cards that can compute complete packet checksums to pass that information to higher-level protocols. The tag contains the 2 byte checksum of the packet.

() finds an instance of a tag of type type attached to packet mbuf. If tag is NULL, the first such tag is returned. Otherwise, the first tag of type type after tag is returned. If no such tag is found, NULL is returned.

() adds the new tag tag at the head of the tag list for packet mbuf.

() removes and then de-allocates tag tag from the list of tags of packet mbuf.

() creates an unlinked copy of tag tag.

() deletes all tags attached to packet mbuf.

() initializes the tag storage for packet mbuf.

() copies all tags from packet mbuf to packet mbuf2. On success, it returns 0. Otherwise, it returns ENOMEM.

() returns the first tag attached to packet mbuf.

() returns the tag following tag in packet mbuf.

The () and () macros defined in sys/sys/mbuf.h move the tags from the old to the new mbuf. The () and () macros create copies of the tag chain for the new mbuf.

The tag-manipulating code is contained in the file sys/kern/uipc_mbuf2.c.

bridge(4), gif(4), gre(4), ipsec(4), malloc(9)

The packet tags first appeared in OpenBSD 2.9 and were written by Angelos D. Keromytis ⟨⟩.

January 29, 2011 OpenBSD-5.3