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SYSCTL(3)                 OpenBSD Programmer's Manual                SYSCTL(3)

     sysctl - get or set system information

     #include <sys/param.h>
     #include <sys/sysctl.h>

     sysctl(int *name, u_int namelen, void *oldp, size_t *oldlenp, void *newp,
     size_t newlen);

     The sysctl() function retrieves system information and allows processes
     with appropriate privileges to set system information.  The information
     available from sysctl() consists of integers, strings, and tables.
     Information may be retrieved and set from the command interface using the
     sysctl(8) utility.

     Unless explicitly noted below, sysctl() returns a consistent snapshot of
     the data requested.  Consistency is obtained by locking the destination
     buffer into memory so that the data may be copied out without blocking.
     Calls to sysctl() are serialized to avoid deadlock.

     The state is described using a ``Management Information Base (MIB)''
     style name, listed in name, which is a namelen length array of integers.

     The information is copied into the buffer specified by oldp.  The size of
     the buffer is given by the location specified by oldlenp before the call,
     and that location gives the amount of data copied after a successful
     call.  If the amount of data available is greater than the size of the
     buffer supplied, the call supplies as much data as fits in the buffer
     provided and returns with the error code ENOMEM.  If the old value is not
     desired, oldp and oldlenp should be set to NULL.

     The size of the available data can be determined by calling sysctl() with
     a NULL parameter for oldp.  The size of the available data will be
     returned in the location pointed to by oldlenp.  For some operations, the
     amount of space may change often.  For these operations, the system
     attempts to round up so that the returned size is large enough for a call
     to return the data shortly thereafter.

     To set a new value, newp is set to point to a buffer of length newlen
     from which the requested value is to be taken.  If a new value is not to
     be set, newp should be set to NULL and newlen set to 0.

     The top level names are defined with a CTL_ prefix in <sys/sysctl.h>, and
     are as follows.  The next and subsequent levels down are found in the
     include files listed here, and described in separate sections below.

           Name              Next level names          Description
           CTL_DDB          ddb/db_var.h              Kernel debugger
           CTL_DEBUG        sys/sysctl.h              Debugging
           CTL_FS           sys/sysctl.h              File system
           CTL_HW           sys/sysctl.h              Generic CPU, I/O
           CTL_KERN         sys/sysctl.h              High kernel limits
           CTL_MACHDEP      sys/sysctl.h              Machine dependent
           CTL_NET          sys/socket.h              Networking
           CTL_USER         sys/sysctl.h              User-level
           CTL_VFS          ufs/ffs/ffs_extern.h      Virtual file system
           CTL_VM          uvm/uvm_param.h           Virtual memory

     For example, the following retrieves the maximum number of processes
     allowed in the system:

           int mib[2], maxproc;
           size_t len;

           mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
           mib[1] = KERN_MAXPROC;
           len = sizeof(maxproc);
           if (sysctl(mib, 2, &maxproc, &len, NULL, 0) == -1)
                   err(1, "sysctl");

     To retrieve the standard search path for the system utilities:

           int mib[2];
           size_t len;
           char *p;

           mib[0] = CTL_USER;
           mib[1] = USER_CS_PATH;
           if (sysctl(mib, 2, NULL, &len, NULL, 0) == -1)
                   err(1, "sysctl");
           if ((p = malloc(len)) == NULL)
                   err(1, NULL);
           if (sysctl(mib, 2, p, &len, NULL, 0) == -1)
                   err(1, "sysctl");

     Integer information and settable variables are available for the CTL_DDB
     level, as described below.  More information is also available in ddb(4).

           Second level name          Type                 Changeable
           DBCTL_CONSOLE             integer              yes
           DBCTL_LOG                 integer              yes
           DBCTL_MAXLINE             integer              yes
           DBCTL_MAXWIDTH            integer              yes
           DBCTL_PANIC               integer              yes
           DBCTL_RADIX               integer              yes
           DBCTL_TABSTOP            integer              yes
           DBCTL_TRIGGER            integer              yes

             When this variable is set, an architecture dependent magic key
             sequence on the console or a debugger button will permit entry
             into the kernel debugger.  When running with a securelevel(7)
             greater than 0, this variable may not be raised.

             When set, ddb output is also logged in the kernel message buffer.

             Determines the number of lines to page in ddb(4).  This variable
             is also available as the ddb $lines variable.

             Determines the maximum width of a line in ddb(4).  This variable
             is also available as the ddb $maxwidth variable.

             When this variable is set, system panics may drop into the kernel
             debugger.  When running with a securelevel(7) greater than 0,
             this variable may not be raised.

             Determines the default radix or base for non-prefixed numbers
             entered into ddb(4).  This variable is also available as the ddb
             $radix variable.

             Width of a tab stop in ddb(4).  This variable is also available
             as the ddb $tabstops variable.

             When DBCTL_CONSOLE is set, writing to DBCTL_TRIGGER causes the
             system to enter ddb(4).  If securelevel(7) is greater than 0, the
             process writing to this variable must be running on the console
             in order to enter ddb(4).

     The debugging variables vary from system to system.  A debugging variable
     may be added or deleted without need to recompile sysctl() to know about
     it.  Each time it runs, sysctl() gets the list of debugging variables
     from the kernel and displays their current values.  The system defines
     twenty struct ctldebug variables named debug0 through debug19.  They are
     declared as separate variables so that they can be individually
     initialized at the location of their associated variable.  The loader
     prevents multiple use of the same variable by issuing errors if a
     variable is initialized in more than one place.  For example, to export
     the variable dospecialcheck as a debugging variable, the following
     declaration would be used:

           int dospecialcheck = 1;
           struct ctldebug debug5 = { "dospecialcheck", &dospecialcheck };

     The string and integer information available for the CTL_FS level is
     detailed below.  The changeable column shows whether a process with
     appropriate privileges may change the value.

           Second level name          Type          Changeable
           FS_POSIX_SETUID           integer       yes

             When this variable is set, ownership changes on a file will cause
             the S_ISUID and S_ISGID bits to be cleared.  As detailed in
             securelevel(7), this variable may not be changed if the
             securelevel is > 0.

     The string and integer information available for the CTL_HW level is
     detailed below.  The changeable column shows whether a process with
     appropriate privileges may change the value.

           Second level name          Type          Changeable
           HW_BYTEORDER              integer       no
           HW_CPUSPEED              integer       no
           HW_DISKCOUNT              integer       no
           HW_DISKNAMES              string        no
           HW_DISKSTATS              struct        no
           HW_MACHINE                string        no
           HW_MODEL                  string        no
           HW_NCPU                  integer       no
           HW_NCPUFOUND              integer       no
           HW_PAGESIZE              integer       no
           HW_PHYSMEM              integer       no
           HW_PHYSMEM64              int64_t       no
           HW_PRODUCT                string        no
           HW_SENSORS                node          not applicable
           HW_SERIALNO               string        no
           HW_SETPERF               integer       yes
           HW_USERMEM               integer       no
           HW_USERMEM64              int64_t       no
           HW_UUID                   string        no
           HW_VENDOR                 string        no
           HW_VERSION                string        no

             The byteorder (4321 or 1234).

             The current CPU frequency (in MHz).

             The number of disks currently attached to the system.

             A comma-separated list of disk names.

             An array of struct diskstats structures containing disk

             The machine class.

             The machine model.

             The number of CPUs being used.

             The number of CPUs found.

             The software page size.

             The total physical memory, in bytes.  This variable is
             deprecated; use HW_PHYSMEM64 instead.

             The total physical memory, in bytes.

             The product name of the machine.

             Third level comprises an array of struct sensordev structures
             containing information about devices that may attach hardware
             monitoring sensors.

             Third, fourth and fifth levels together comprise an array of
             struct sensor structures containing snapshot readings of hardware
             monitoring sensors.  In such usage, third level indicates the
             numerical representation of the sensor device name to which the
             sensor is attached (a device's xname and number are matched with
             the help of struct sensordev structure above), fourth level
             indicates sensor type and fifth level is an ordinal sensor number
             (unique to the specified sensor type on the specified sensor

             The sensordev and sensor structures and sensor_type enumeration
             are defined in <sys/sensors.h>.

             The serial number of the machine.

             Current CPU performance (percentage).

             The amount of available non-kernel memory in bytes.  This
             variable is deprecated; use HW_USERMEM64 instead.

             The amount of available non-kernel memory in bytes.

             The universal unique identification number assigned to the

             The vendor name for this machine.

             The version or revision of this machine.

     The string and integer information available for the CTL_KERN level is
     detailed below.  The changeable column shows whether a process with
     appropriate privileges may change the value.  The types of data currently
     available are process information, system vnodes, the open file entries,
     routing table entries, virtual memory statistics, load average history,
     and clock rate information.

           Second level name             Type                   Changeable
           KERN_ARGMAX                  integer                no
           KERN_ARND                    char[]                 no
           KERN_BOOTTIME                struct timeval         no
           KERN_BUFCACHEPERCENT         integer                yes
           KERN_CCPU                    integer                no
           KERN_CLOCKRATE               struct clockinfo       no
           KERN_CPTIME                  long[CPUSTATES]        no
           KERN_CPTIME2                 u_int64_t[CPUSTATES]   no
           KERN_CRYPTODEVALLOWSOFT      integer                yes
           KERN_DOMAINNAME              string                 yes
           KERN_EMUL                    node                   not applicable
           KERN_FILE                    struct file            no
           KERN_FILE2                   struct kinfo_file2     no
           KERN_FORKSTAT                struct forkstat        no
           KERN_FSCALE                  integer                no
           KERN_FSYNC                  integer                no
           KERN_HOSTID                  integer                yes
           KERN_HOSTNAME                string                 yes
           KERN_INTRCNT                node                   not applicable
           KERN_JOB_CONTROL             integer                no
           KERN_MALLOCSTATS             node                   no
           KERN_MAXCLUSTERS             integer                yes
           KERN_MAXFILES                integer                yes
           KERN_MAXLOCKSPERUID          integer                yes
           KERN_MAXPARTITIONS          integer                no
           KERN_MAXPROC                 integer                yes
           KERN_MAXVNODES               integer                yes
           KERN_MBSTAT                  struct mbstat          no
           KERN_MSGBUF                  char[]                 no
           KERN_MSGBUFSIZE              integer                no
           KERN_NCHSTATS                struct nchstats        no
           KERN_NFILES                  integer                no
           KERN_NGROUPS                 integer                no
           KERN_NOSUIDCOREDUMP          integer                yes
           KERN_NPROCS                  integer                no
           KERN_NSELCOLL                integer                no
           KERN_NUMVNODES               integer                no
           KERN_OSRELEASE               string                 no
           KERN_OSREV                   integer                no
           KERN_OSTYPE                  string                 no
           KERN_OSVERSION               string                 no
           KERN_POSIX1                  integer                no
           KERN_PROC                    struct kinfo_proc      no
           KERN_PROC2                   struct kinfo_proc2     no
           KERN_PROC_ARGS               node                   not applicable
           KERN_PROF                    node                   not applicable
           KERN_RAWPARTITION            integer                no
           KERN_RND                     struct rndstats        no
           KERN_RTHREADS                integer                yes
           KERN_SAVED_IDS               integer                no
           KERN_SECURELVL               integer                raise only
           KERN_SEMINFO                 node                   not applicable
           KERN_SHMINFO                 node                   not applicable
           KERN_SOMAXCONN               integer                yes
           KERN_SOMINCONN               integer                yes
           KERN_SPLASSERT               int                    yes
           KERN_STACKGAPRANDOM          integer                yes
           KERN_SYSVIPC_INFO            node                   not applicable
           KERN_SYSVMSG                 integer                no
           KERN_SYSVSEM                 integer                no
           KERN_SYSVSHM                 integer                no
           KERN_TIMECOUNTER            node                   not applicable
           KERN_TTY                     node                   not applicable
           KERN_TTYCOUNT                integer                no
           KERN_USERASYMCRYPTO          integer                yes
           KERN_USERCRYPTO              integer                yes
           KERN_USERMOUNT              integer                yes
           KERN_VERSION                 string                 no
           KERN_VNODE                   struct e_vnode         no
           KERN_WATCHDOG              node                   not applicable

             The maximum number of bytes allowed among the arguments to

             Returns a maximum of 256 random bytes from the kernel using the
             arc4random(9) function.  This can be useful if /dev/arandom is
             not available (see random(4)).

             A struct timeval structure is returned.  This structure contains
             the time that the system was booted.

             The maximum percentage of physical memory the buffer cache may
             use; the default is 10%.

             The scheduler exponential decay value.

             A struct clockinfo structure is returned.  This structure
             contains the clock, statistics clock and profiling clock
             frequencies, the number of micro-seconds per hz tick, and the
             clock skew rate.

             An array of longs of size CPUSTATES is returned, containing
             statistics about the number of ticks spent by the system among
             all processors in interrupt processing, user processes (nice(1)
             or normal), system processing, or idling.

             Similar to KERN_CPTIME, but obtains information from only the
             single CPU specified by the third level name given.

             Permits userland to use /dev/crypto even if there is no hardware
             crypto accelerator in the system.

             Get or set the YP domain name.

             Enable binary emulation.

                   Third level name     Type      Changeable
                   KERN_EMUL_ENABLED   integer   yes
                   KERN_EMUL_NAME      string    no
                   KERN_EMUL_NEMULS   integer   no

             Third level names in KERN_EMUL other than KERN_EMUL_NEMULS refer
             to a specific emulation available in the kernel.  Valid values
             range from 1 to the return value of KERN_EMUL_NEMULS.  The fourth
             level names available are KERN_EMUL_NAME, which returns a string
             with the emulation name, and KERN_EMUL_ENABLED, which is an
             adjustable integer.

             Note that using this interface exposes duplicate entries which
             are consolidated by the userland frontend.

             Return the entire file table.  This name is deprecated, as the
             layout of the returned structures is not a stable ABI; use
             KERN_FILE2 instead.  The returned data consists of a single
             struct filehead followed by an array of struct file, whose size
             depends on the current number of such objects in the system.

             Like KERN_FILE but an array of struct kinfo_file2 structures is
             returned.  The third and fourth level names are as follows:

                   Third level name          Fourth level is:
                   KERN_FILE_BYFILE         Zero
                   KERN_FILE_BYPID         A process ID
                   KERN_FILE_BYUID         A user ID

             The fifth level name is the size of the struct kinfo_file2 and
             the sixth level name is the number of structures to return.

             A struct forkstat structure is returned.  This structure contains
             information about the number of fork(2), vfork(2), and rfork(2)
             system calls as well as kernel thread creations since system
             startup, and the number of pages of virtual memory involved in

             The kernel fixed-point scale factor.

             Return 1 if the File Synchronisation Option is available on this
             system, otherwise 0.

             Get or set the host ID.

             Get or set the hostname.

             Return 1 if job control is available on this system, otherwise 0.

             Return kernel memory bucket statistics.  The third level names
             are detailed below.  There are no changeable values in this

                   Third level name                   Type
                   KERN_MALLOC_BUCKET                node
                   KERN_MALLOC_BUCKETS               string
                   KERN_MALLOC_KMEMNAMES             string
                   KERN_MALLOC_KMEMSTATS             node

             The variables are as follows:

                     A node containing the statistics for the memory bucket of
                     the specified size (in decimal notation, the number of
                     bytes per bucket element, e.g., 16, 32, 128).  Each node
                     returns a struct kmembuckets.

                     If a value is specified that does not correspond directly
                     to a bucket size, the statistics for the closest larger
                     bucket size will be returned instead.

                     Note that bucket sizes are typically powers of 2.

                     Return a comma-separated list of the bucket sizes used by
                     the kernel.

                     Return a comma-separated list of the names of the kernel
                     malloc(9) types.

                     A node containing the statistics for the memory types of
                     the specified name.  Each node returns a struct

             The maximum number of mbuf(9) clusters that may be allocated.

             The maximum number of open files that may be open in the system.

             The maximum number of file locks per user; the default is 1024.

             The maximum number of partitions allowed per disk.

             The maximum number of simultaneous processes the system will

             The maximum number of vnodes available on the system.

             A struct mbstat structure is returned, containing statistics on
             mbuf(9) usage.

             Returns a buffer containing kernel log messages.

             The size of the kernel message buffer.

             A struct nchstats structure is returned.  This structure contains
             information about the filename to inode(5) mapping cache.

             Number of open files.

             The maximum number of supplemental groups.

             Whether a process may dump core after changing user or group ID:

             value    condition    dump core to
             0        euid == 0    current directory
             1        never        
             2        always       /var/crash

             The number of entries in the kernel process table.

             Number of select(2) collisions.

             Number of vnodes in use.

             The system release string.

             The system revision number.

             The system type string.

             The kernel build version.

             The version of ISO/IEC 9945 (POSIX 1003.1) with which the system
             attempts to comply.

             Return the entire process table, or a subset of it.  This name is
             deprecated, as the layout of the returned structures is not a
             stable ABI; use KERN_PROC2 instead.  An array of struct
             kinfo_proc structures is returned, whose size depends on the
             current number of such objects in the system.  The third and
             fourth level names are as follows:

                   Third level name          Fourth level is:
                   KERN_PROC_ALL            None
                   KERN_PROC_KTHREAD        A kernel thread
                   KERN_PROC_PID            A process ID
                   KERN_PROC_PGRP           A process group
                   KERN_PROC_RUID           A real user ID
                   KERN_PROC_SESSION        A session PID
                   KERN_PROC_TTY            A tty device
                   KERN_PROC_UID            A user ID

             Like KERN_PROC but an array of struct kinfo_proc2 structures is
             returned.  The fifth level name is the size of the struct
             kinfo_proc2 and the sixth level name is the number of structures
             to return.

             Returns the arguments or environment of a process.  The third
             level name is the PID of the process.  The fourth level name is
             one of:


             KERN_PROC_NARGV and KERN_PROC_NENV return the number of elements
             as an int in the argv or env array.  KERN_PROC_ARGV returns the
             argv array and KERN_PROC_ENV returns the environ array.  The
             buffer pointed to by oldp is filled with an array of char
             pointers followed by the strings themselves.  The last char
             pointer is a NULL pointer.

             Return profiling information about the kernel.  If the kernel is
             not compiled for profiling, attempts to retrieve any of the
             KERN_PROF values will fail with EOPNOTSUPP.  The third level
             names for the string and integer profiling information are
             detailed below.  The changeable column shows whether a process
             with appropriate privileges may change the value.

                   Third level name      Type                   Changeable
                   GPROF_COUNT          u_short[]              yes
                   GPROF_FROMS          u_short[]              yes
                   GPROF_GMONPARAM      struct gmonparam       no
                   GPROF_STATE          integer                yes
                   GPROF_TOS            struct tostruct        yes

             The variables are as follows:

                     Array of statistical program counter counts.

                     Array indexed by program counter of call-from points.

                     Structure giving the sizes of the above arrays.

                     Returns GMON_PROF_ON or GMON_PROF_OFF to show that
                     profiling is running or stopped.

                     Array of struct tostruct describing destination of calls
                     and their counts.

             The raw partition of a disk (a == 0).

             Returns statistics about the /dev/random device in a struct
             rndstats structure.

             Enable the syscalls needed for kernel level threading.

             Returns 1 if saved set-group-ID and saved set-user-ID are

             The system security level.  This level may be raised by processes
             with appropriate privileges.  It may only be lowered by process

             Return the elements of struct seminfo.  If the kernel is not
             compiled with System V style semaphore support, attempts to
             retrieve any of the KERN_SEMINFO values will fail with
             EOPNOTSUPP.  The third level names for the elements of struct
             seminfo are detailed below.  The changeable column shows whether
             a process with appropriate privileges may change the value.

                   Third level name       Type       Changeable
                   KERN_SEMINFO_SEMAEM   integer    no
                   KERN_SEMINFO_SEMMNI   integer    yes
                   KERN_SEMINFO_SEMMNS   integer    yes
                   KERN_SEMINFO_SEMMNU   integer    yes
                   KERN_SEMINFO_SEMMSL   integer    yes
                   KERN_SEMINFO_SEMOPM   integer    yes
                   KERN_SEMINFO_SEMUME   integer    no
                   KERN_SEMINFO_SEMUSZ   integer    no
                   KERN_SEMINFO_SEMVMX   integer    no

             The variables are as follows:

                     The adjust on exit maximum value.

                     The maximum number of semaphore identifiers allowed.

                     The maximum number of semaphores allowed in the system.

                     The maximum number of semaphore undo structures allowed
                     in the system.

                     The maximum number of semaphores allowed per ID.

                     The maximum number of operations per semop(2) call.

                     The maximum number of undo entries per process.

                     The size (in bytes) of the undo structure.

                     The semaphore maximum value.

             Return the elements of struct shminfo.  If the kernel is not
             compiled with System V style shared memory support, attempts to
             retrieve any of the KERN_SHMINFO values will fail with
             EOPNOTSUPP.  The third level names for the elements of struct
             shminfo are detailed below.  The changeable column shows whether
             a process with appropriate privileges may change the value.

                   Third level name       Type       Changeable
                   KERN_SHMINFO_SHMALL   integer    yes
                   KERN_SHMINFO_SHMMAX   integer    yes
                   KERN_SHMINFO_SHMMIN   integer    yes
                   KERN_SHMINFO_SHMMNI   integer    yes
                   KERN_SHMINFO_SHMSEG   integer    yes

             The variables are as follows:

                     The maximum amount of total shared memory allowed in the
                     system (in pages).

                     The maximum shared memory segment size (in bytes).

                     The minimum shared memory segment size (in bytes).

                     The maximum number of shared memory identifiers in the

                     The maximum number of shared memory segments per process.

             Upper bound on the number of half-open connections a process can
             allow to be associated with a socket, using listen(2).  The
             default value is 128.

             Lower bound on the number of half-open connections a process can
             allow to be associated with a socket, using listen(2).  The
             default value is 80.

             Modify the system interrupt priority level.  Valid values are:

                   0    Disable error checking.
                   1    Print a message if an error is detected.
                   2    Print a message if an error is detected, and a stack
                        trace if possible.
                   3    The same as 2, but also drop into the kernel debugger.

             Any other value causes a system panic on errors.  See
             splassert(9) for more information.

             Sets the range of the random value added to the stack pointer on
             each program execution.  The random value is added to make buffer
             overflow exploitation slightly harder.  The bigger the number,
             the harder it is to brute force this added protection, but it
             also means bigger waste of memory.

             Return System V style IPC configuration and run-time information.
             The third level name selects the System V style IPC facility.

                   Third level name            Type
                   KERN_SYSVIPC_MSG_INFO      struct msg_sysctl_info
                   KERN_SYSVIPC_SEM_INFO      struct sem_sysctl_info
                   KERN_SYSVIPC_SHM_INFO      struct shm_sysctl_info

                     Return information on the System V style message
                     facility.  The msg_sysctl_info structure is defined in

                     Return information on the System V style semaphore
                     facility.  The sem_sysctl_info structure is defined in

                     Return information on the System V style shared memory
                     facility.  The shm_sysctl_info structure is defined in

             Returns 1 if System V style message queue functionality is
             available on this system, otherwise 0.

             Returns 1 if System V style semaphore functionality is available
             on this system, otherwise 0.

             Returns 1 if System V style shared memory functionality is
             available on this system, otherwise 0.

             Return statistics information about the kernel time counter.  The
             third level names information is detailed below.  The changeable
             column shows whether a process with appropriate privileges may
             change the value.

                   Third level name                     Type       Changeable
                   KERN_TIMECOUNTER_CHOICE             string     no
                   KERN_TIMECOUNTER_HARDWARE           string     yes
                   KERN_TIMECOUNTER_TICK               integer    no
                   KERN_TIMECOUNTER_TIMESTEPWARNINGS   integer    yes

             The variables are as follows:

                     Get the list of kernel time counter sources and their
                     claimed quality (higher is better).

                     Get or set the kernel time counter source by name.

                     Get the number of times we have reset the kernel time
                     counter information.

                     Get or set a flag to log a message when the kernel time
                     is stepped.

             Return statistics information about tty input/output.  The third
             level names information is detailed below.  The changeable column
             shows whether a process with appropriate privileges may change
             the value.

                   Third level name       Type         Changeable
                   KERN_TTY_INFO         struct itty  no
                   KERN_TTY_NPTYS       integer      no
                   KERN_TTY_MAXPTYS      integer      yes
                   KERN_TTY_TKCANCC      int64_t      no
                   KERN_TTY_TKNIN        int64_t      no
                   KERN_TTY_TKNOUT      int64_t      no
                   KERN_TTY_TKRAWCC      int64_t      no

             The variables are as follows:

                     Returns an array of struct itty structures containing tty

                     The maximum number of pty(4) devices supported by the
                     kernel.  This is the upper bound on KERN_TTY_NPTYS.

                     The current number of pty(4) devices allocated by the

                     Returns the number of input characters in canonical mode.

                     Returns the number of input characters from a tty(4).

                     Returns the number of output characters on a tty(4).

                     Returns the number of input characters in raw mode.

             Number of available tty(4) devices.

             Permits userland to use /dev/crypto for cryptographic support for
             asymmetric (public) key operations via hardware cryptographic
             devices.  KERN_USERCRYPTO (see below) must also be set.

             Permits userland to use /dev/crypto for cryptographic support via
             hardware cryptographic devices.

             Return non-zero if regular users can issue mount(2) requests.
             The default value is 0.

             The system version string.

             Return the entire vnode table.  Note, the vnode table is not
             necessarily a consistent snapshot of the system.  The returned
             data consists of an array whose size depends on the current
             number of such objects in the system.  Each element of the array
             contains the kernel address of a vnode (struct vnode *) followed
             by the vnode itself (struct vnode).

             Return information on hardware watchdog timers.  If the kernel
             does not support a hardware watchdog timer, attempts to retrieve
             or set any of the KERN_WATCHDOG values will fail with EOPNOTSUPP.

                   Third level name        Type       Changeable
                   KERN_WATCHDOG_AUTO     integer    yes
                   KERN_WATCHDOG_PERIOD   integer    yes

             The variables are as follows:

                     If set to 1, the kernel refreshes the watchdog timer
                     periodically.  If set to 0, a userland process must
                     ensure that the watchdog timer gets refreshed by setting
                     the KERN_WATCHDOG_PERIOD variable.

                     The period of the watchdog timer in seconds.  Set to 0 to
                     disable the watchdog timer.

     The set of variables defined is architecture dependent.  Most
     architectures define at least the following variables.

           Second level name    Type          Changeable
           CPU_CONSDEV         dev_t         no

     The string and integer information available for the CTL_NET level is
     detailed below.  The changeable column shows whether a process with
     appropriate privileges may change the value.

           Second level name          Type                   Changeable
           PF_ROUTE                  routing messages       no
           PF_INET                   IPv4 values            yes
           PF_INET6                  IPv6 values            yes
           PF_KEY                    key management         no

             Return the entire routing table or a subset of it.  The data is
             returned as a sequence of routing messages (see route(4) for the
             header file, format, and meaning).  The length of each message is
             contained in the message header.

             The third level name is a protocol number, which is currently
             always 0.  The fourth level name is an address family, which may
             be set to 0 to select all address families.  The fifth and sixth
             level names are as follows:

                   Fifth level name          Sixth level is:
                   NET_RT_DUMP              None
                   NET_RT_FLAGS             rtflags
                   NET_RT_IFLIST            None
                   NET_RT_STATS            None

             An optional seventh level name can be provided to select the
             routing table on which to run the operation.  If not provided,
             the table with ID 0 is used.

             Get or set various global information about IPv4 (Internet
             Protocol version 4).  The third level name is the protocol.  The
             fourth level name is the variable name.  The currently defined
             protocols and names are:

                   Protocol name    Variable name        Type       Changeable
                   ah               enable               integer    yes
                   bpf              bufsize              integer    yes
                   bpf              maxbufsize           integer    yes
                   carp             allow                integer    yes
                   carp             log                  integer    yes
                   carp             preempt              integer    yes
                   divert           recvspace            integer    yes
                   divert           sendspace            integer    yes
                   esp              enable               integer    yes
                   esp              udpencap             integer    yes
                   esp              udpencap_port        integer    yes
                   etherip          allow                integer    yes
                   gre              allow                integer    yes
                   gre              wccp                 integer    yes
                   icmp             bmcastecho           integer    yes
                   icmp             errppslimit          integer    yes
                   icmp             maskrepl             integer    yes
                   icmp             rediraccept          integer    yes
                   icmp             redirtimeout         integer    yes
                   icmp             stats                structure  no
                   icmp             tstamprepl           integer    yes
                   ip               directed-broadcast   integer    yes
                   ip               encdebug             integer    yes
                   ip               forwarding           integer    yes
                   ip               ipsec-allocs         integer    yes
                   ip               ipsec-auth-alg       string     yes
                   ip               ipsec-bytes          integer    yes
                   ip               ipsec-comp-alg       string     yes
                   ip               ipsec-enc-alg        string     yes
                   ip               ipsec-expire-acquire integer    yes
                   ip               ipsec-firstuse       integer    yes
                   ip               ipsec-invalid-life   integer    yes
                   ip               ipsec-pfs            integer    yes
                   ip               ipsec-soft-allocs    integer    yes
                   ip               ipsec-soft-bytes     integer    yes
                   ip               ipsec-soft-firstuse  integer    yes
                   ip               ipsec-soft-timeout   integer    yes
                   ip               ipsec-timeout        integer    yes
                   ip               maxqueue             integer    yes
                   ip               mforwarding          integer    yes
                   ip               mtudisc              integer    yes
                   ip               mtudisctimeout       integer    yes
                   ip               multipath            integer    yes
                   ip               portfirst            integer    yes
                   ip               porthifirst          integer    yes
                   ip               porthilast           integer    yes
                   ip               portlast             integer    yes
                   ip               redirect             integer    yes
                   ip               sourceroute          integer    yes
                   ip               stats                structure  no
                   ip               ttl                  integer    yes
                   ipcomp           enable               integer    yes
                   ipip             allow                integer    yes
                   mobileip         allow                integer    yes
                   tcp              ackonpush            integer    yes
                   tcp              baddynamic           array      yes
                   tcp              ecn                  integer    yes
                   tcp              ident                structure  no
                   tcp              keepidle             integer    yes
                   tcp              keepinittime         integer    yes
                   tcp              keepintvl            integer    yes
                   tcp              mssdflt              integer    yes
                   tcp              reasslimit           integer    yes
                   tcp              recvspace            integer    yes
                   tcp              rfc1323              integer    yes
                   tcp              rfc3390              integer    yes
                   tcp              rstppslimit          integer    yes
                   tcp              sack                 integer    yes
                   tcp              sendspace            integer    yes
                   tcp              slowhz               integer    no
                   tcp              stats                structure  no
                   tcp              synbucketlimit       integer    yes
                   tcp              syncachelimit        integer    yes
                   udp              baddynamic           array      yes
                   udp              checksum             integer    yes
                   udp              recvspace            integer    yes
                   udp              sendspace            integer    yes
                   udp              stats                structure  no

             The variables are as follows:

                     If set to 1, enable the Authentication Header (AH) IPsec
                     protocol.  Enabled by default.  See ipsec(4) for more

                     The initial size of bpf(4) buffers.

                     The maximum size a user may request a bpf(4) buffer to

                     If set to 0, incoming carp(4) packets will not be
                     processed.  If set to any other value, processing will
                     occur.  Enabled by default.

                     Controls the verbosity of carp(4) logging.  May be a
                     value between 0 and 7 corresponding with syslog(3)
                     priorities.  The default value is 2.

                     If set to 0, carp(4) will not attempt to become master if
                     it is receiving advertisements from another active
                     master.  If set to any other value, carp will become
                     master of the virtual host if it believes it can send
                     advertisements more frequently than the current master.
                     Disabled by default.

                     Returns the default divert receive buffer size.

                     Returns the default divert send buffer size.

                     If set to 1, enable the Encapsulating Security Payload
                     (ESP) IPsec protocol.  Enabled by default.  See ipsec(4)
                     for more information.

                     If set to 1, enable processing of UDP encapsulated ESP
                     packets.  Enabled by default.

                     Contains the value of the UDP port that triggers
                     decapsulation for incoming UDP encapsulated ESP packets.
                     The default port is 4500.

                     If set to 0, incoming Ethernet-in-IPv4 packets will not
                     be processed.  If set to any other value, processing will

                     If set to 0, incoming GRE packets will not be processed.
                     If set to any other value, processing will occur.

                     If set to 0, incoming WCCPv1-style GRE packets will not
                     be processed.  If set to any other value, and gre.allow
                     allows GRE packet processing, WCCPv1-style GRE packets
                     will be processed.

                     If set to 1, respond to ICMP echo requests destined for
                     broadcast and multicast addresses.  Note, enabling this
                     could open a system to a type of denial of service attack
                     called "smurfing", and is thus not advised.

                     This variable specifies the maximum number of outgoing
                     ICMP error messages per second.  ICMP error messages
                     exceeding this value are subject to rate limitation and
                     will not go out from the node.  A negative value disables
                     rate limitation.

                     Returns 1 if ICMP network mask requests are to be

                     If set to non-zero, the host will accept ICMP redirect
                     packets.  Note that routers will never accept ICMP
                     redirect packets, and the variable is meaningful on IP
                     hosts only.

                     This variable specifies the lifetime of routing entries
                     generated by incoming ICMP redirects.  The default
                     timeout is 10 minutes.

                     Returns the ICMP statistics in a struct icmpstat.

                     If set to 1, reply to ICMP timestamp requests.  If set to
                     0, ignore timestamp requests.

                     Returns 1 if directed broadcast behavior is enabled for
                     the host.

                     Returns 1 when error message reporting is enabled for the
                     host.  If the kernel has been compiled with the ENCDEBUG
                     option, then debugging information will also be reported
                     when this variable is set.

                     If set to 1, then IP forwarding is enabled for the host,
                     indicating the host is acting as a router.  If set to 2,
                     then IP forwarding is restricted to traffic that has been
                     IPsec encapsulated or decapsulated by the host.  The
                     default value is 0.

                     The number of IPsec flows that can use a security
                     association before it expires.  If set to less than or
                     equal to zero, the security association will not expire
                     because of this counter.  The default value is 0.

                     This is the default authentication algorithm the kernel
                     will instruct key management daemons to negotiate when
                     establishing security associations on behalf of the
                     kernel.  Such security associations can occur as a result
                     of a process having requested some security level through
                     setsockopt(2), or as a result of dynamic VPN entries.
                     Supported values are hmac-md5, hmac-sha1, and hmac-
                     ripemd160.  If set to any other value, it is left to the
                     key management daemons to select an authentication
                     algorithm for the security association.  The default
                     value is hmac-sha1.

                     The number of bytes that will be processed by a security
                     association before it expires.  If set to less than or
                     equal to zero, the security association will not expire
                     because of this counter.  The default value is 0.

                     The compression algorithm to use with an IP Compression
                     Association (IPCA).  Possible values are ``deflate'' and
                     ``lzs''.  Note that lzs is only available with hifn(4).
                     See ipsecctl(8) for more information.

                     This is the default encryption algorithm the kernel will
                     instruct key management daemons to negotiate when
                     establishing security associations on behalf of the
                     kernel.  Such security associations can occur as a result
                     of a process having requested some security level through
                     setsockopt(2), or as a result of dynamic VPN entries.
                     Supported values are aes, des, 3des, blowfish, cast128,
                     and skipjack.  If set to any other value, it is left to
                     the key management daemons to select an encryption
                     algorithm for the security association.  The default
                     value is aes.

                     How long the kernel should allow key management to
                     dynamically acquire security associations before re-
                     sending a request.  The default value is 30 seconds.

                     The number of seconds after a security association is
                     first used before it expires.  If set to less than or
                     equal to zero, the security association will not expire
                     because of this timer.  The default value is 7200

                     The lifetime of embryonic Security Associations (SAs that
                     key management daemons have reserved but not fully
                     established yet) in seconds.  If set to less than or
                     equal to zero, embryonic SAs will not expire.  The
                     default value is 60.

                     If set to any non-zero value, the kernel will ask the key
                     management daemons to use Perfect Forward Secrecy when
                     establishing IPsec Security Associations.  Perfect
                     Forward Secrecy makes IPsec Security Associations
                     cryptographically distinct from each other, such that
                     breaking the key for one such SA does not compromise any
                     others.  Requiring PFS for every security association
                     significantly increases the computational load of
                     isakmpd(8) exchanges.  The default value is 1.

                     The number of IPsec flows that can use a security
                     association before a message is sent by the kernel to key
                     management for renegotiation of the security association.
                     If set to less than or equal to zero, no message is sent
                     to key management.  The default value is 0.

                     The number of bytes that will be processed by a security
                     association before a message is sent by the kernel to key
                     management for renegotiation of the security association.
                     If set to less than or equal to zero, no message is sent
                     to key management.  The default value is 0.

                     The number of seconds after a security association is
                     first used before a message is sent by the kernel to key
                     management for renegotiation of the security association.
                     If set to less than or equal to zero, no message is sent
                     to key management.  The default value is 3600 seconds.

                     The number of seconds after a security association is
                     established before a message is sent by the kernel to key
                     management for renegotiation of the security association.
                     If set to less than or equal to zero, no message is sent
                     to key management.  The default value is 80000 seconds.

                     The number of seconds after a security association is
                     established before it will expire.  If set to less than
                     or equal to zero, the security association will not
                     expire because of this timer.  The default value is 86400

                     Fragment flood protection.  Sets the maximum number of
                     unassembled IP fragments in the fragment queue.

                     If set to 1, then multicast forwarding is enabled for the
                     host.  The default is 0.

                     Returns 1 if Path MTU Discovery is enabled.

                     Returns the number of seconds in which a route added by
                     the Path MTU Discovery engine will time out.  When the
                     route times out, the Path MTU Discovery engine will
                     attempt to probe a larger path MTU.

                     This variable enables multipath routing for IPv4
                     addresses.  If set to 0, only the first route selected
                     will be used for a given destination regardless of how
                     many routes exist in the routing table.

                     Minimum registered port number for TCP/UDP port
                     allocation.  Registered ports can be used by ordinary
                     user processes or programs executed by ordinary users.
                     Cannot be less than 1024 or greater than 49151.  Must be
                     less than ip.portlast.

                     Minimum dynamic/private port number for TCP/UDP port
                     allocation.  Dynamic/private ports can be used by
                     ordinary user processes or programs executed by ordinary
                     users.  Cannot be less than 49152 or greater than 65535.
                     Must be less than ip.porthilast.

                     Maximum dynamic/private port number for TCP/UDP port
                     allocation.  Dynamic/private ports can be used by
                     ordinary user processes or programs executed by ordinary
                     users.  Cannot be less than 49152 or greater than 65535.
                     Must be greater than ip.porthifirst.

                     Maximum registered port number for TCP/UDP port
                     allocation.  Registered ports can be used by ordinary
                     user processes or programs executed by ordinary users.
                     Cannot be less than 1024 or greater than 49151.  Must be
                     greater than ip.portfirst.

                     Returns 1 when ICMP redirects may be sent by the host.
                     This option is ignored unless the host is routing IP
                     packets, and should normally be enabled on all systems.

                     Returns 1 when forwarding of source-routed packets is
                     enabled for the host.  As detailed in securelevel(7),
                     this variable may not be changed if the securelevel is >

                     Returns the IP statistics in a struct ipstat.

             ip.ttl  The maximum time-to-live (hop count) value for an IP
                     packet sourced by the system.  This value applies to
                     normal transport protocols, not to ICMP.

                     Enable the IPComp protocol.  See ipsecctl(8) for more

                     If set to 0, incoming IP-in-IP packets will not be
                     processed.  If set to any other value, processing will
                     occur; furthermore, if set to 2, no checks for spoofing
                     of loopback addresses will be done.  This is useful only
                     for debugging purposes, and should never be used in
                     production systems.

                     If set to 0, incoming MobileIP encapsulated packets (RFC
                     2004) will not be processed.  If set to any other value,
                     processing will occur.

                     Returns 1 if TCP segments with the TH_PUSH flag set are
                     being acknowledged immediately, otherwise 0.

                     An array of in_port_t is returned specifying the bitmask
                     of TCP ports between 512 and 1023 inclusive that should
                     not be allocated dynamically by the kernel (i.e., they
                     must be bound specifically by port number).

                     Returns 1 if Explicit Congestion Notifications for TCP
                     are enabled.

                     A struct tcp_ident_mapping specifying a local and foreign
                     endpoint of a TCP socket is filled in with the effective
                     and real UIDs of the process that owns the socket.  If no
                     such socket exists, then the effective and real UID
                     values are both set to -1.

                     If the socket option SO_KEEPALIVE has been set on a
                     socket, then this value specifies how much time a
                     connection needs to be idle before keepalives are sent.
                     See also tcp.slowhz.

                     Time to keep alive the initial SYN packet of a TCP

                     Time after a keepalive probe is sent until, in the
                     absence of any response, another probe is sent.  See also

                     The maximum segment size that is used as default for non-
                     local connections.  The default value is 512.

                     The maximum number of out-of-order TCP segments the
                     system will store for reassembly.

                     Returns the default TCP receive buffer size.

                     Returns 1 if RFC 1323 extensions to TCP are enabled.

                     Returns 1 if the TCP Initial Window is increased, as
                     specified in RFC 3390.

                     This variable specifies the maximum number of outgoing
                     TCP RST packets per second.  TCP RST packets exceeding
                     this value are subject to rate limitation and will not go
                     out from the node.  A negative value disables rate

                     Returns 1 if RFC 2018 Selective Acknowledgements are

                     Returns the default TCP send buffer size.

                     The units for tcp.keepidle and tcp.keepintvl; those
                     variables are in ticks of a clock that ticks tcp.slowhz
                     times per second.  (That is, their values must be divided
                     by the tcp.slowhz value to get times in seconds.)

                     Returns the TCP statistics in a struct tcpstat.

                     The maximum number of entries allowed per hash bucket in
                     the TCP SYN cache.

                     The maximum number of entries allowed in the TCP SYN

                     Analogous to tcp.baddynamic but for UDP sockets.

                     Returns 1 when UDP checksums are being computed and
                     checked.  Disabling UDP checksums is strongly

                     Returns the default UDP receive buffer size.

                     Returns the default UDP send buffer size.

                     Returns the UDP statistics in a struct udpstat.

             Get or set various global information about IPv6 (Internet
             Protocol version 6).  The third level name is the protocol.  The
             fourth level name is the variable name.  The currently defined
             protocols and names are:

                   Protocol name    Variable name      Type       Changeable
                   icmp6            errppslimit        integer    yes
                   icmp6            mtudisc_hiwat      integer    yes
                   icmp6            mtudisc_lowat      integer    yes
                   icmp6            nd6_debug          integer    yes
                   icmp6            nd6_delay          integer    yes
                   icmp6            nd6_maxnudhint     integer    yes
                   icmp6            nd6_mmaxtries      integer    yes
                   icmp6            nd6_prune          integer    yes
                   icmp6            nd6_umaxtries      integer    yes
                   icmp6            nd6_useloopback    integer    yes
                   icmp6            nodeinfo           integer    yes
                   icmp6            rediraccept        integer    yes
                   icmp6            redirtimeout       integer    yes
                   ip6              accept_rtadv       integer    yes
                   ip6              auto_flowlabel     integer    yes
                   ip6              dad_count          integer    yes
                   ip6              defmcasthlim       integer    yes
                   ip6              forwarding         integer    yes
                   ip6              hdrnestlimit       integer    yes
                   ip6              hlim               integer    yes
                   ip6              kame_version       string     no
                   ip6              keepfaith          integer    yes
                   ip6              log_interval       integer    yes
                   ip6              maxfragpackets     integer    yes
                   ip6              maxfrags           integer    yes
                   ip6              mforwarding        integer    yes
                   ip6              multicast_mtudisc  integer    yes
                   ip6              multipath          integer    yes
                   ip6              redirect           integer    yes
                   ip6              rr_prune           integer    yes
                   ip6              use_deprecated     integer    yes
                   ip6              v6only             integer    no

             The variables are as follows:

                     This variable specifies the maximum number of outgoing
                     ICMPv6 error messages per second.  ICMPv6 error messages
                     exceeding this value are subject to rate limitation and
                     will not go out from the node.  A negative value will
                     disable the rate limitation.

                     These variables define the maximum number of routing
                     table entries created due to path MTU discovery
                     (preventing denial-of-service attacks with ICMPv6 too big
                     messages).  After IPv6 path MTU discovery happens, path
                     MTU information is kept in the routing table.  If the
                     number of routing table entries exceeds this value, the
                     kernel will not attempt to keep the path MTU information.
                     icmp6.mtudisc_hiwat is used when we have verified ICMPv6
                     too big messages.  icmp6.mtudisc_lowat is used when we
                     have unverified ICMPv6 too big messages.  Verification is
                     performed by using address/port pairs kept in connected
                     PCBs.  A negative value disables the upper limit.

                     If set to non-zero, IPv6 neighbor discovery will generate
                     debugging messages.  The debug output is useful for
                     diagnosing IPv6 interoperability issues.  The flag must
                     be set to 0 for normal operation.

                     This variable specifies the DELAY_FIRST_PROBE_TIME timing
                     constant in IPv6 neighbor discovery specification (RFC
                     2461), in seconds.

                     IPv6 neighbor discovery permits upper layer protocols to
                     supply reachability hints, to avoid unnecessary neighbor
                     discovery exchanges.  This variable defines the number of
                     consecutive hints the neighbor discovery layer will take.
                     For example, by setting the variable to 3, neighbor
                     discovery will take a maximum of 3 consecutive hints.
                     After receiving 3 hints, the neighbor discovery layer
                     will instead perform the normal neighbor discovery

                     This variable specifies the MAX_MULTICAST_SOLICIT
                     constant in IPv6 neighbor discovery specification (RFC

                     This variable specifies the interval between IPv6
                     neighbor cache babysitting in seconds.

                     This variable specifies the MAX_UNICAST_SOLICIT constant
                     in IPv6 neighbor discovery specification (RFC 2461).

                     If set to non-zero, IPv6 will use the loopback interface
                     for local traffic.

                     This variable enables responses to ICMPv6 node
                     information queries.  If set to 0, responses will not be
                     generated for ICMPv6 node information queries.  Since
                     node information queries can have a security impact, it
                     is possible to fine tune which responses should be
                     answered.  Two separate bits can be set:

                           1    Respond to ICMPv6 FQDN queries, e.g. ping6 -w.

                           2    Respond to ICMPv6 node addresses queries, e.g.
                                ping6 -a.

                     If set to non-zero, the host will accept ICMPv6 redirect
                     packets.  Note that IPv6 routers will never accept ICMPv6
                     redirect packets, so the variable is only meaningful on
                     IPv6 hosts, not on routers.

                     The variable specifies the lifetime of routing entries
                     generated by incoming ICMPv6 redirects.

                     If set to non-zero, the node will accept ICMPv6 router
                     advertisement packets and autoconfigures address prefixes
                     and default routers.  The node must be a host (not a
                     router) for the option to be meaningful (see

                     On connected transport protocol packets, fill the IPv6
                     flowlabel field to help intermediate routers identify
                     packet flows.

                     This variable configures the number of IPv6 DAD
                     (duplicated address detection) probe packets.  These
                     packets are generated when IPv6 interfaces are first
                     brought up.

                     The default hop limit value for an IPv6 multicast packet
                     sourced by the node.  This value applies to all the
                     transport protocols on top of IPv6.  Methods for
                     overriding this value are documented in ip6(4).

                     Returns 1 when IPv6 forwarding is enabled for the node,
                     meaning that the node is acting as a router.  Returns 0
                     when IPv6 forwarding is disabled for the node, meaning
                     that the node is acting as a host.  Note that IPv6
                     defines node behavior for the ``router'' and ``host''
                     cases quite differently, and changing this variable
                     during operation may cause serious trouble.  Hence, this
                     variable should only be set at bootstrap time.

                     The number of IPv6 extension headers permitted on
                     incoming IPv6 packets.  If set to 0, the node will accept
                     as many extension headers as possible.

                     The default hop limit value for an IPv6 unicast packet
                     sourced by the node.  This value applies to all the
                     transport protocols on top of IPv6.  Methods for
                     overriding this value are documented in ip6(4).

                     This string identifies the version of the KAME IPv6 stack
                     implemented in the kernel.

                     If set to non-zero, enables the ``FAITH'' TCP relay IPv6-
                     to-IPv4 translator code in the kernel.  Refer to faith(4)
                     and faithd(8) for more details.

                     This variable permits adjusting the amount of logs
                     generated by the IPv6 packet forwarding engine.  The
                     value indicates the number of seconds of interval which
                     must elapse between log output.

                     The maximum number of fragmented packets the node will
                     accept.  0 means that the node will not accept any
                     fragmented packets.  -1 means that the node will accept
                     as many fragmented packets as it receives.  The flag is
                     provided basically for avoiding possible DoS attacks.

                     The maximum number of fragments the node will accept.  0
                     means that the node will not accept any fragments.  -1
                     means that the node will accept as many fragments as it
                     receives.  The flag is provided basically for avoiding
                     possible DoS attacks.

                     If set to 1, then multicast forwarding is enabled for the
                     host.  The default is 0.

                     This variable controls generation of ICMPv6 Too Big
                     messages when the machine is performing as an IPv6
                     multicast router.  If set to 1, an ICMPv6 Too Big message
                     will be generated for multicast packets which were too
                     big to be forwarded.  If set to 0, the ICMPv6 Too Big
                     message will be suppressed.

                     This variable enables multipath routing for IPv6
                     addresses.  If set to 0, only the first route selected
                     will be used for a given destination regardless of how
                     many routes exist in the routing table.

                     Returns 1 when ICMPv6 redirects may be sent by the node.
                     This option is ignored unless the node is routing IP
                     packets, and should normally be enabled on all systems.

                     This variable specifies the interval between IPv6 router
                     renumbering prefix babysitting in seconds.

                     This variable controls the use of deprecated addresses,
                     specified in RFC 2462 5.5.4.

                     The variable specifies the initial value for the
                     IPV6_V6ONLY socket option for an AF_INET6 socket.  It is
                     always 1 for OpenBSD.

             We reuse net.inet.tcp and net.inet.udp for TCP/UDP over IPv6.

     PF_KEY  Return ipsec(4) database dumps.  The second level name is
             PF_KEY_V2.  The third level name selects the database as follows:

                   NET_KEY_SADB_DUMP  Security Association database (SADB).
                   NET_KEY_SPD_DUMP   IPsec flow database (SPD).

     The string and integer information available for the CTL_USER level is
     detailed below.  The changeable column shows whether a process with
     appropriate privileges may change the value.

           Second level name           Type          Changeable
           USER_BC_BASE_MAX           integer       no
           USER_BC_DIM_MAX           integer       no
           USER_BC_SCALE_MAX         integer       no
           USER_BC_STRING_MAX         integer       no
           USER_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX      integer       no
           USER_CS_PATH               string        no
           USER_EXPR_NEST_MAX         integer       no
           USER_LINE_MAX              integer       no
           USER_POSIX2_C_BIND         integer       no
           USER_POSIX2_C_DEV         integer       no
           USER_POSIX2_CHAR_TERM      integer       no
           USER_POSIX2_FORT_DEV      integer       no
           USER_POSIX2_FORT_RUN      integer       no
           USER_POSIX2_LOCALEDEF      integer       no
           USER_POSIX2_SW_DEV         integer       no
           USER_POSIX2_UPE            integer       no
           USER_POSIX2_VERSION        integer       no
           USER_RE_DUP_MAX            integer       no
           USER_STREAM_MAX            integer       no
           USER_TZNAME_MAX            integer       no

             The maximum ibase/obase values in the bc(1) utility.

             The maximum array size in the bc(1) utility.

             The maximum scale value in the bc(1) utility.

             The maximum string length in the bc(1) utility.

             The maximum number of weights that can be assigned to any entry
             of the LC_COLLATE order keyword in the locale definition file.

             Return a value for the PATH environment variable that finds all
             the standard utilities.

             The maximum number of expressions that can be nested within
             parentheses by the expr(1) utility.

             The maximum length in bytes of a text-processing utility's input

             Return 1 if the system's C-language development facilities
             support the C-Language Bindings Option, otherwise 0.

             Return 1 if the system supports the C-Language Development
             Utilities Option, otherwise 0.

             Return 1 if the system supports at least one terminal type
             capable of all operations described in POSIX 1003.2, otherwise 0.

             Return 1 if the system supports the FORTRAN Development Utilities
             Option, otherwise 0.

             Return 1 if the system supports the FORTRAN Runtime Utilities
             Option, otherwise 0.

             Return 1 if the system supports the creation of locales,
             otherwise 0.

             Return 1 if the system supports the Software Development
             Utilities Option, otherwise 0.

             Return 1 if the system supports the User Portability Utilities
             Option, otherwise 0.

             The version of POSIX 1003.2 with which the system attempts to

             The maximum number of repeated occurrences of a regular
             expression permitted when using interval notation.

             The maximum number of streams that a process may have open at any
             one time.

             The minimum maximum number of types supported for the name of a
             time zone.

     The string and integer information available for the CTL_VFS level is
     detailed below.  The changeable column shows whether a process with
     appropriate privileges may change the value.

           Second level name          Type                 Changeable
           VFS_GENERIC               VFS generic info     no
           filesystem #              filesystem info      no

             This second level identifier requests generic information about
             the VFS layer.  Within it, the following third level identifiers

                   Third level name          Type                 Changeable
                   VFS_CONF                 struct vfsconf       no
                   VFS_MAXTYPENUM          int                  no

     filesystem #
             After finding the filesystem dependent vfc_typenum using
             VFS_GENERIC with VFS_CONF, it is possible to access filesystem
             dependent information.

             Some filesystems may contain settings.


                     Third level name        Type                  Changeable
                     FFS_ASYNCFREE          integer               yes
                     FFS_CLUSTERREAD        integer               yes
                     FFS_CLUSTERWRITE       integer               yes
                     FFS_DIRHASH_DIRSIZE    integer               yes
                     FFS_DIRHASH_MAXMEM    integer               yes
                     FFS_DIRHASH_MEM        integer               no
                     FFS_MAXSOFTDEPS        integer               yes
                     FFS_REALLOCBLOCKS    integer               yes
                     FFS_SD_BLK_LIMIT_HIT   integer               yes
                     FFS_SD_BLK_LIMIT_PUSH  integer               yes
                     FFS_SD_DIR_ENTRY       integer               yes
                     FFS_SD_DIRECT_BLK_PTRS integer               yes
                     FFS_SD_INDR_BLK_PTRS   integer               yes
                     FFS_SD_INO_LIMIT_HIT   integer               yes
                     FFS_SD_INO_LIMIT_PUSH integer               yes
                     FFS_SD_INODE_BITMAP    integer               yes
                     FFS_SD_SYNC_LIMIT_HIT integer               yes
                     FFS_SD_TICKDELAY       integer               yes
                     FFS_SD_WORKLIST_PUSH integer               yes

                          Enable combining multiple reads into one request to
                          improve performance.

                          Enable combining multiple writes into one request.

                          The minimum size of a directory, in bytes, before it
                          is considered for hashing.

                          The maximum amount of memory, in bytes, to be used
                          for storing directory hashes.

                          The amount of memory currently used by all directory

                          When enabled, the kernel will attempt to relocate
                          growing files so that they are contiguous on disk,
                          reducing fragmentation.


                     Third level name       Type                 Changeable
                     NFS_NFSSTATS          struct nfsstats      yes
                     NFS_NIOTHREADS       int                  yes

                          The number of NFS I/O kernel threads.  Should be set
                          high enough for the server to handle the maximum
                          level of concurrency from its clients, typically
                          four to six.

     The string and integer information available for the CTL_VM level is
     detailed below.  The changeable column shows whether a process with
     appropriate privileges may change the value.

           Second level name          Type                 Changeable
           VM_ANONMIN                integer              yes
           VM_LOADAVG                struct loadavg       no
           VM_MAXSLP                 integer              no
           VM_METER                 struct vmtotal       no
           VM_NKMEMPAGES             integer              no
           VM_PSSTRINGS             struct psstrings     no
           VM_SWAPENCRYPT            swap encrypt values  yes
           VM_USPACE                 integer              no
           VM_UVMEXP                 struct uvmexp        no
           VM_VNODEMIN               integer              yes
           VM_VTEXTMIN               integer              yes

             Percentage of physical memory available for pages which contain
             anonymous mapping.

             Return the load average history.  The returned data consists of a
             struct loadavg.

             The time for a process to be blocked before being swappable, in

             Return the system wide virtual memory statistics.  The returned
             data consists of a struct vmtotal.

             Number of pages in kmem_map.

             Returns the address of the process struct ps_strings.  The ps(1)
             program uses it to locate the argument and environment strings.

             Contains statistics about swap encryption.  The string and
             integer information available for the third level is detailed

                   Third level name          Type                 Changeable
                   SWPENC_CREATED          integer              no
                   SWPENC_DELETED          integer              no
                   SWPENC_ENABLE          integer              yes

                     The number of encryption keys that have been randomly
                     created.  The swap partition is divided into sections of
                     normally 512KB.  Each section has its own encryption key.

                     The number of encryption keys that have been deleted,
                     thus effectively erasing the data that has been encrypted
                     with them.  Encryption keys are deleted when their
                     reference counter reaches zero.

                     Set to 1 to enable swap encryption for all processes.  A
                     0 disables swap encryption.  Pages still on swap receive
                     a grandfather clause.  Turning this option on does not
                     affect legacy swap data already on the disk, but all
                     newly written data will be encrypted.  When swap
                     encryption is turned on, automatic crash(8) dumps are

             The number of bytes allocated for each kernel stack.

             Contains statistics about the UVM memory management system.

             Percentage of physical memory available for pages which contain
             cached file data.

             Percentage of physical memory available for pages which contain
             cached executable data.

     If the call to sysctl() is unsuccessful, -1 is returned and errno is set

     <sys/sysctl.h>            definitions for top level identifiers, second
                               level kernel and hardware identifiers, and user
                               level identifiers
     <sys/socket.h>            definitions for second level network
     <sys/gmon.h>              definitions for third level profiling
     <ufs/ffs/ffs_extern.h>    definitions for third level virtual file system
                               identifiers (ffs)
     <nfs/nfs.h>               definitions for third level virtual file system
                               identifiers (nfs)
     <uvm/uvm_param.h>         definitions for second level virtual memory
     <uvm/uvm_swap_encrypt.h>  definitions for third level virtual memory
     <netinet/in.h>            definitions for third level IPv4/v6 identifiers
                               and fourth level IP and IPv6 identifiers
     <netinet/icmp_var.h>      definitions for fourth level ICMP identifiers
     <netinet/icmp6.h>         definitions for fourth level ICMPv6 identifiers
     <netinet/tcp_var.h>       definitions for fourth level TCP identifiers
     <netinet/udp_var.h>       definitions for fourth level UDP identifiers
     <machine/cpu.h>           definitions for second level CPU identifiers

     The following errors may be reported:

     [EFAULT]      The buffer name, oldp, newp, or length pointer oldlenp
                   contains an invalid address.

     [EINVAL]      The name array is less than two or greater than

     [EINVAL]      A non-null newp pointer is given and its specified length
                   in newlen is too large or too small.

     [ENOMEM]      The length pointed to by oldlenp is too short to hold the
                   requested value.

     [ENOENT]      The mib specified does not exist, or exceeds the range that
                   is possible.

     [ENXIO]       If the mib is a sparsely populated array, this error may be
                   returned instead.

     [ENOTDIR]     The name array specifies an intermediate rather than
                   terminal name.

     [EOPNOTSUPP]  The name array specifies a value that is unknown.

     [EPERM]       An attempt is made to set a read-only value.

     [EPERM]       A process without appropriate privileges attempts to set a

     [EPERM]       An attempt to change a value protected by the current
                   kernel security level is made.

     [ESRCH]       No process could be found which corresponds to the given
                   process ID.

     pathconf(2), sysconf(3), ddb(4), sysctl.conf(5), securelevel(7),

     The sysctl() function first appeared in 4.4BSD.

OpenBSD 4.8                      June 29, 2010                     OpenBSD 4.8