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PF(4)                     OpenBSD Programmer's Manual                    PF(4)

     pf - packet filter

     pseudo-device pf 1

     Packet filtering takes place in the kernel.  A pseudo-device, /dev/pf,
     allows userland processes to control the behavior of the packet filter
     through an ioctl(2) interface.  There are commands to enable and disable
     the filter, load rule sets, add and remove individual rules or retrieve
     state table entries and statistics.  The most commonly used functions are
     covered by pfctl(8).

     Manipulations like loading a rule set that involve more than a single
     ioctl call require a so-called ticket, which prevents the occurance of
     multiple concurrent manipulations.

     Fields of ioctl parameter structures that refer to packet data (like ad-
     dresses and ports) are generally expected in network byte-order.

     /dev/pf  packet filtering device.

     pf supports the following ioctl(2) commands:

             Starts the packet filter.

             Stops the packet filter.

     DIOCBEGINRULES u_int32_t
             Clears the inactive filter rule set, returns ticket for subse-
             quent DIOCADDRULE and DIOCCOMMITRULES calls.

     DIOCADDRULE struct pfioc_rule

             struct pfioc_rule {
                     u_int32_t        ticket;
                     u_int32_t        nr;
                     struct pf_rule   rule;

             Adds filter rule at the end of the inactive filter rule set.  Re-
             quires ticket obtained through preceding DIOCBEGINRULES call.  nr
             is ignored.

     DIOCCOMMITRULES u_int32_t
             Switch inactive to active filter rule set.  Requires ticket.

     DIOCGETRULES struct pfioc_rule
             Returns ticket for subsequent DIOCGETRULE calls and nr of rules
             in the active filter rule set.

     DIOCGETRULE struct pfioc_rule
             Returns filter rule number nr using ticket obtained through a
             preceding DIOCGETRULES call.

     DIOCBEGINNATS u_int32_t

     DIOCADDNAT struct pfioc_nat

             struct pfioc_nat {
                     u_int32_t        ticket;
                     u_int32_t        nr;
                     struct pf_nat    nat;

     DIOCCOMMITNATS u_int32_t

     DIOCGETNATS struct pfioc_nat

     DIOCGETNAT struct pfioc_nat

     DIOCBEGINBINATS u_int32_t

     DIOCADDBINAT struct pfioc_binat

             struct pfioc_binat {
                     u_int32_t        ticket;
                     u_int32_t        nr;
                     struct pf_binat  binat;


     DIOCGETBINATS struct pfioc_binat

     DIOCGETBINAT struct pfioc_binat

     DIOCBEGINRDRS u_int32_t

     DIOCADDRDR struct pfioc_rdr

             struct pfioc_rdr {
                     u_int32_t        ticket;
                     u_int32_t        nr;
                     struct pf_rdr    rdr;

     DIOCCOMMITRDRS u_int32_t

     DIOCGETRDRS struct pfioc_rdr

     DIOCGETRDR struct pfioc_rdr

             Clears the state table.

     DIOCADDSTATE struct pfioc_state
             Adds a state entry.

     DIOCGETSTATE struct pfioc_state

             struct pfioc_state {
                     u_int32_t        nr;
                     struct pf_state  state;

             Extracts the entry with the specified number from the state

     DIOCKILLSTATES struct pfioc_state_kill
             Removes matching entries from the state table.  Returns the num-
             ber of killed states in psk_af.

             struct pfioc_state_kill {
                     int                     psk_af;
                     int                     psk_proto;
                     struct pf_rule_addr     psk_src;
                     struct pf_rule_addr     psk_dst;

     DIOCSETSTATUSIF struct pfioc_if

             struct pfioc_if {
                     char             ifname[IFNAMSIZ];

             Specifies the interface for which statistics are accumulated.

     DIOCGETSTATUS struct pf_status

             struct pf_status {
                     u_int64_t        counters[PFRES_MAX];
                     u_int64_t        fcounters[FCNT_MAX];
                     u_int64_t        pcounters[2][2][3];
                     u_int64_t        bcounters[2][2];
                     u_int32_t        running;
                     u_int32_t        states;
                     u_int32_t        since;
                     u_int32_t        debug;

             Gets the internal packet filter statistics.

             Clears the internal packet filter statistics.

     DIOCNATLOOK struct pfioc_natlook
             Looks up a state table entry by source and destination addresses
             and ports.

             struct pfioc_natlook {
                     struct pf_addr   saddr;
                     struct pf_addr   daddr;
                     struct pf_addr   rsaddr;
                     struct pf_addr   rdaddr;
                     u_int16_t        sport;
                     u_int16_t        dport;
                     u_int16_t        rsport;
                     u_int16_t        rdport;
                     u_int8_t         af;
                     u_int8_t         proto;
                     u_int8_t         direction;

     DIOCSETDEBUG u_int32_t
             Sets the debug level.

             enum    { PF_DEBUG_NONE=0, PF_DEBUG_URGENT=1, PF_DEBUG_MISC=2 };

     DIOCGETSTATES struct pfioc_states

             struct pfioc_states {
                     int     ps_len;
                     union {
                             caddr_t psu_buf;
                             struct pf_state *psu_states;
                     } ps_u;
             #define ps_buf          ps_u.psu_buf
             #define ps_states       ps_u.psu_states

     DIOCCHANGERULE struct pfioc_changerule
             Adds or removes a filter rule in the active filter rule set.

             struct pfioc_changerule {
                     u_int32_t        action;
                     struct pf_rule   oldrule;
                     struct pf_rule   newrule;

             enum    { PF_CHANGE_ADD_HEAD=1, PF_CHANGE_ADD_TAIL=2,
                       PF_CHANGE_ADD_BEFORE=3, PF_CHANGE_ADD_AFTER=4,
                       PF_CHANGE_REMOVE=5 };

     DIOCCHANGENAT struct pfioc_changenat
             Adds or removes a nat rule in the active nat rule set.

             struct pfioc_changenat {
                     u_int32_t        action;
                     struct pf_nat    oldnat;
                     struct pf_nat    newnat;

     DIOCCHANGEBINAT struct pfioc_changebinat
             Adds or removes a binat rule in the active binat rule set.

             struct pfioc_changebinat {
                     u_int32_t       action;
                     struct pf_binat oldbinat;
                     struct pf_binat newbinat;

     DIOCCHANGERDR struct pfioc_changerdr
             Adds or removes a rdr rule in the active rdr rule set.

             struct pfioc_changerdr {
                     u_int32_t        action;
                     struct pf_rdr    oldrdr;
                     struct pf_rdr    newrdr;

     DIOCSETTIMEOUT struct pfioc_tm

             struct pfioc_tm {
                     int              timeout;
                     int              seconds;

     DIOCGETTIMEOUT struct pfioc_tm

             Clear per-rule statistics.

     DIOCSETLIMIT struct pfioc_limit
             Sets hard limits on the memory pools used by the packet filter.

             struct pfioc_limit {
                     int             index;
                     unsigned        limit;

     DIOCGETLIMIT struct pfioc_limit

     The following example demonstrates how to use the DIOCNATLOOK command to
     find the internal host/port of a NATed connection.

     #include <sys/types.h>
     #include <sys/socket.h>
     #include <sys/ioctl.h>
     #include <sys/fcntl.h>
     #include <net/if.h>
     #include <netinet/in.h>
     #include <net/pfvar.h>
     #include <stdio.h>

     read_address(const char *s)
             int a, b, c, d;

             sscanf(s, "%i.%i.%i.%i", &a, &b, &c, &d);
             return htonl(a << 24 | b << 16 | c << 8 | d);

     print_address(u_int32_t a)
             a = ntohl(a);
             printf("%d.%d.%d.%d", a >> 24 & 255, a >> 16 & 255,
                 a >> 8 & 255, a & 255);

     main(int argc, char *argv[])
             struct pfioc_natlook nl;
             int dev;

             if (argc != 5) {
                     printf("%s <gwy addr> <gwy port> <ext addr> <ext port>\n",
                     return 1;

             dev = open("/dev/pf", O_RDWR);
             if (dev == -1)
                     err(0, "open(\"/dev/pf\") failed");

             memset(&nl, 0, sizeof(struct pfioc_natlook));
             nl.saddr.v4.s_addr      = read_address(argv[1]);
                   = htons(atoi(argv[2]));
             nl.daddr.v4.s_addr      = read_address(argv[3]);
             nl.dport                = htons(atoi(argv[4]));
                      = AF_INET;
             nl.proto                = IPPROTO_TCP;
             nl.direction            = PF_IN;

             if (ioctl(dev, DIOCNATLOOK, &nl))
                     err(0, "DIOCNATLOOK");

             printf("internal host ");
             printf(":%u\n", ntohs(nl.rsport));
             return 0;

     bridge(4), pflog(4), pfctl(8)

     The pf packet filtering mechanism first appeared in OpenBSD 3.0.

OpenBSD 3.2                      June 24, 2001                               6