FETCH(9) OpenBSD Kernel Manual FETCH(9) NAME fetch - fetch data from user-space SYNOPSIS #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/systm.h> int fubyte(void *base); int fusword(void *base); int fuswintr(void *base); int fuword(void *base); DESCRIPTION The fetch functions are designed to copy small amounts of data from user- space. The fetch routines provide the following functionality: fubyte() Fetches a byte of data from the user-space address base. fusword() Fetches a short word of data from the user-space address base. fuswintr() Fetches a short word of data from the user-space address base. This function is safe to call during an interrupt con- text. fuword() Fetches a word of data from the user-space address base. NOTE The fetch routines are deprecated. All new code should use copyin(). RETURN VALUES The fetch functions return the data fetched or -1 on failure. SEE ALSO copy(9), store(9) OpenBSD 3.2 January 7, 1996 1